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Seb Poole

A member registered Oct 22, 2022

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Three things:

1. Baldi's still a bit slow, could you make him faster?

2. I can't go through the last exit for some reason.

3. Could you make the characters not move to the sides of the hallway? Cuz when i go against a wall, baldi would follow me directly and i could just run past him. 

Wait what what do you mean

(1 edit)

Could you make the player a little bit slower and baldi a little bit faster? I feel like the game very easy because of that and i beat the game first try with no items

(2 edits)

OMG YES YES YES plz do that. But could you do the same for plus? That would be great! 

Aww man i liked the old one better tho.

Will 1.0 include the "bass boosted run to exit sound?"